After leaving our luggage, we proceeded into the terminal to check in. As soon as we entered the doors, we were asked for our "fun pass" and photo I.D. Then they sent us a few feet further where we were given a questionaire about swine flu symptoms. We were asked to go up the escalator and then fill out the questionaire. 
Our next stop was the desk check in where once again they reviewed our "fun pass", passport and collected our swine flu questionaire. Then our picture was taken and we sat down in a holding area until they were ready for us to board the ship.
At 11:25, we began the boarding process. We were able to enter the boat, but were not able to go to our cabins until 1:30. So we used this time to familiarize ourselves with the ship and eat our lunch in the buffett area. Linda and I had cheeseburgers and Randall and Tom went to a different area of the buffett and had different foods than us.
After lunch, we continued to just walk around until they announced that we could go to our cabins. When we arrived at our room, our luggage had not yet arrived. We went in and began to put up all the things that we had brought in in our carry on luggage. By the time we did this, one piece of our luggage had been brought to out door and a little while later the other piece arrived. Tom and Linda were beginning to sweat a little because it looked like most of the luggage had been delivered and they still did not have the piece of luggage that had all of their medications in it.
After getting all of our things in place in our room, we rested for just a little while and then we went back to the buffett where we got some fruit. While sitting in the restaurant eating our fruit, an announcement was made that the muster drill was getting ready to begin. We were instructed to go to our cabins and get our life jackets out of the closets and bring them to our designated muster drill areas. I had heard horror stories about the drill taking forever, but it did not last long at all and we were done within 20 minutes. 
After the drill we came back to our room to take the life jackets back. As we looked out our window, we realized we had begun to move. So we quickly headed to the deck to watch as we left the Port of Mobile. We stayed out on the deck until approximately 5:15. Then it was time for us to get ready for our 6:00 dining time in the dining room. The four of us changed clothes and headed to the dining room.
The table that we would be sitting at every night sat 8 people. We met the two other couples that we would be dining with each night. The other two couples were also friends who went to church together. They were from Navarre, FL. Nedra and Steve and Connie and Larry were an absolute delight to get to know. Our first dinner was delicious. Randall and I both had steaks.
After dinner, we stopped in a couple of different places to listen to some live music before retiring for the night. Our first day has been GREAT!
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