Monday, June 16, 2008

A Week of Tears-June 7-14, 2008

This week has been a very difficult week. As noted in my previous posts, we lost a much loved, relatively new friend, (last two years) John Norsworthy, last Saturday morning. Then on Monday morning, our life long friend, Tom Russell, whom we had been very close to in our early married life and was also in our wedding in 1977, also passed away. These men had so much in common. Both were diagnosed with cancer almost within the same week. Both went to be with their Saviour within the same week. Both men lived lives that were extremely "well lived." Both men had strong relationships with their God and with their families and friends. Both men died much earlier than what was expected. Both men went through their illnesses not only thinking of themselves, but thinking about those around them and how their illness was effecting them. Randall and I went to Tom Russell's wake at First Baptist Tillman's Corner on Friday night. We began standing in line to see Cindy and the family at 6:50 and finally saw them at 9:45. I have never seen so many people coming to pay their respects for one person. Tom was one of great influence. He taught & coached for 19 years at Faith Academy and for 12 years at Greystone. When asked to stand at the funeral if you had been a student of Coach Russell's, over half of the congregation were standing. Tom was the kind of coach, teacher and friend that was always encouraging others. He was always smiling. As I reflect on both of my friends lives, I see lives of great influence and lives that were full of self sacrifice. These two deaths have caused me to more than ever to want to live my life to the fullest. With both of these men dying at younger than expected ages, it reminds me that we never know what the next minute may hold for us. Only one life, so soon it will pass.....Only what's done for Christ will last. God, through your grace, help me to live my life today and everyday that will bring you honor and praise. Thank you for teaching me through the death of these much loved brothers. I pray for both of their families because they will be greatly missed.

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