Wednesday, September 10, 2008

11,315 Days

11,315 days somehow does not seem like an awful long time. But 31 years does! As of yesterday, Randall and I have been married for 11,315 days or 31 years. However you look at it, I am so thankful that God has brought us through the good times and bad. Yes, it has taken both Randall and me staying true to the vows that we made even when we would have liked to have thrown in the towel. But I know that God has blessed us and been with us through those tough times and He is the One that deserves the credit. I can say that I love my husband more now than ever. He is an absolutely fabulous husband and treats me like a queen. God has blessed our union with a wonderful family and we could not be more blessed!
44 Days - Branson.....Here we come!

1 comment:

Tiffy's World said...

Ya'll are so sweet and I'm glad he treats you like a Queen, as he should. You deserve it!Love ya
