Monday, September 1, 2008

Sunday, August 31

Well, we got up early and began breaking down our campsite. Other than a steady, nice breeze, there was no indication of a dangerous hurricane looming out in the Gulf. It was actually a beautiful morning. Just before we left however the first circular clouds associated with the rings around a hurricane began to appear. After we got completely packed up, we decided to go to Hazel's and enjoy a great breakfast before heading to Mobile.

Our original plan for Sunday had been to meet Mike and Deborah at the new Bass Pro Shop in Daphne on our way back to Gulf Shores after church Sunday morning. We have been planning for several weeks for Mike and Deborah to come down and go to Bass Pro Shop this weekend. And after we planned to go camping, we just combined the two destinations.

Bass Pro Shop just opened this past week. It is one amazing store, It's almost like Disney World for the outdoor enthusiast! I took pictures from inside the store. I bought a pair of polaroid sunglasses that I have been looking for for a long time. We enjoyed looking around so much and look forward to going back soon and often!

Once we got home, there was a lot to do like unloading the camper, taking the camper back to storage, and then washing all the laundry. Once all of that was done, I was glued to the Weather Channel. It was a pretty sure bet that Gustav would not make a direct hit in our area, but we would probably get some pretty decent weather from it. The worst of which was lots of tornadoes that are usually located in the upper right quadrant which is where we would be. Tomorrow morning is when we should see the worst of the weather.

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