Monday, September 1, 2008

Thursday, August 28

I have really had an easy life. I have not had to deal with the kind of sorrow that many people go through. I guess that is why ny heart has broken so several months ago and then again yesterday. My precious son and daughter in law had another pregnancy that led to a miscarriage. After the doctor found a tubal pregancy yesterday morning after doing the ultrasound, she would not allow her to go to sleep before taking care of it with surgery. The surgery began yesterday at 5:00 and we left the hospital around 8:30 right after she woke up from the anesthesia. After the surgery, we went by mother's and daddy's and picked up Carter and he spent the night with us.

The good news is that this life threatening pregnancy to my daughter-in-law was caught in time, and other than the emotional issues that are involved, she should be fine physically. The doctor also said that even though she has had two bad pregancies (which the doctor referred to as just really bad luck), there is no reason why the next one should not be a healthy one. As sorry as I am to lose another grandchild, my sorrow is more for my daughter-in-law. She wants another child so badly. I pray that God will make her stronger as a result of going through this.

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